Highly flexible CAM solutions to efficiently mill different components

Production Machining is a key machining style that is applied to extremely wide range of products. This means CAM solutions have to be highly flexible to efficiently mill different components.

Production machining covers mass-produced components, part family applications and other sub­com­po­nents used in complex mechanical assemblies. These components may be machined from solid stock, or machining may be used to finish castings and near-net forgings. Companies operating in this demanding sector face a variety of challenges. These include the need to achieve high standards in terms of com­po­nent and machining quality as well as constantly reduce programming, setup, and processing times. For companies to remain competitive, they need to be able to efficiently produce high-quality components.


Industry Challenges

  • Shorten setup times

    Multiple operations can be simplified using 5‑axis and mill turning technologies

  • Reduce programming times

    Thanks to automation made possible by feature and macro technology with holes and pockets

  • Cut machining times

    Using innovative HSC and HPC strategies for roughing and finishing

  • Increase process reliability

    Through collision-tested tool­paths and reliable simulation technology

  • Improve quality

    Optimal sur­faces help minimize sub­sequent finishing processes

hyperMILL® CAD for CAM (formerly hyperCAD®-S)

CAM users in the field of production machining have to process a wide variety of CAD formats quickly and reliably. hyperMILL® features a comprehensive interface package to help them master this task. The CAD software imports all of the product manufacturing information contained in the data.
The “CAD for CAM” solution offers clear advantages: CAM-oriented geometry changes such as the closing of holes as well as other analysis and repair functions can be carried out quickly and easily with the built-in CAD software in hyperMILL®. Practical filter and selection functions ensure that the NC programmer always has a clear overview even with extremely large components.

Would you like to learn more about our complete CAM solution for Production Machining?

If so, please contact OPEN MIND Technologies USA, Inc.
1492 Highland Avenue, Unit 3, Needham MA 02492

CAM Strategies for Industry-specific Components

3D strategies
Indexial Multi-Axis Machining
hyperMILL® MAXX Machining
Mill turning
high-feed cutting/high-speed cutting | production machining –

High-feed cutting/high-speed cutting
hyperMILL® offers a large number of functions for HSC and HFC ma­chi­ning. Machining times can be slashed thanks to the use of high feed rate cutters in combination with the ‘adaptive pocket’ function, whereby circular or rectangular pocket geometries are automatically adapted in the area to be machined. In the process, the linear machine movements achieve much higher feed rates.

3d plane level machining | production machining –

3D plane level machining
3D plane level machining enables plane surfaces to be machined in different levels with an accompanying collision check. The 3D model is used to automatically detect and machine all plane surfaces using an efficient pocket strategy.

5-axis multi-axis indexing | production machining –

5‑axis multi-axis indexing
All 2.5D machining strategies can also be applied for multi-axis in­de­xing with a fixed tool angle. During this process, the machining o­ri­en­ta­ti­on is defined using the frame. Simple frame definition and ma­na­ge­ment assist the user in programming machining operations with tilted fourth and fifth axes. With transformations in the NC programs, users can easily and conveniently create programs for multiple components clamped within a single plane or in a tombstone fixture, for instance. All traverse movements are checked for collisions and path-optimized

5-axis drilling | production machining –

hyperMILL® offers a number of strategies for machining a wide variety of hole types. The ‘5‑axis drilling’ function allows drilling jobs with dif­fe­rent tool angles to be programmed in a single operation. Tool po­si­ti­ons are automatically calculated and the lead-in points to the holes are connected to each other along the optimized path.

HPC roughing

Trochoidal tool­paths enable the efficient roughing of pockets and open areas with large material removal rates. The particularly large step-downs and small step-overs ensure tool-friendly roughing with a peeling cut.

Mill turning

hyperMILL® MILL-TURN Machining offers a comprehensive strategic package for mill/turn machining for the majority of rotationally sym­met­ri­cal machine parts and components. All common turning o­pe­ra­ti­ons as well as special strategies such as 3‑axis simultaneous turning can there­by be freely combined with the milling strategies in a single operating environment.


In-process quality control on the CNC machine tool is an important part of production today. For this reason, hyperMILL® offers probing strategies for part set-up and alignment, and work­piece measurement directly on the machine.

Increased productivity thanks to hyperMILL®

hyperMILL® makes it possible to quickly create NC programs for use in machining a wide variety of work­pieces efficiently and precisely. The hyperMILL® MAXX Machining performance package allows you to save considerable time when roughing and finishing large and small production machining components. For instance, the amount of time required for finishing using a conical barrel cutter can be slashed by up to 90 percent.
In addition to this, multi-axis or complete machining using 5‑axis strategies significantly reduces setup times on the machine.
hyperMILL® MILL-TURN Machining offers a variety of mill/turn strategies for rotationally symmetrical work­pieces that deliver maximum precision in a single setup.

What our customers say

Customers of OPEN MIND Technologies


Urschel Laboratories, Inc.

“We wanted a CAM software solution that was directly integrated into SOLIDWORKS, and for over 10 years hyperMILL® has been a SOLIDWORKS certified Gold CAM product. With the help of hyperMILL® and the OPEN MIND staff, we were able to quickly move to production.”

Bill Monroe, Sr. Manufacturing Engineer

Urschel Laboratories, Inc.
Chesterton, IN, USA
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VTR Feeder Solutions

“The benefits to using hyperMILL® include a massive reduction in manufacturing time for feeder bowls and total repeatability for multiple parts.”

Evan Gilles, lead mechanical designer

VTR Feeder Solutions
Grimsby, ON, USA
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5th Axis Inc.

hyperMILL® MAXX Machining roughing module extends tool life by maintaining a constant chip load. The bottom-line is, using hyperMILL® MAXX Machining results in super-efficient and fast tool paths.”

Chris Taylor, co-owner

5th Axis Inc.
San Diego, CA, USA
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Videos: CAM soft­ware for Production Machining

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hyperMILL® MILL-TURN Machining: Workshop Demo Part
CNC Machining: 2.5D-Machining with in-process measuring
hyperMILL® Macro Technology: Drilling plate
hyperMILL® MILL-TURN Machining: Workshop Demo Part

This demo part was made at a hyperMILL® MILL-TURN Machining workshop on a GROB G350T. The combination of milling and turning strategies offers many advantages like increased productivity and flexibility.

CNC Machining: 2.5D-Machining with in-process measuring

In this machining demo we demonstrate 2.5D Machining with in-process measuring. The hyperMILL® probing strategies can be used to measure and adjust tool settings in the machining process to ensure a precise finishing.

hyperMILL® Macro Technology: Drilling plate

Did you know that the feature and macro technology of hyperMILL® enables you to program in record time? In this video, all holes are recognized and programmed with just a few clicks.




5th Axis Inc.

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Dormer Pramet

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C. & E. FEIN GmbH

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Long & Marshall Ltd

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Urschel Laboratories, Inc.

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Automation made possible by feature and macro technology

The feature and macro technology make it possible to slash programming times. Prismatic components with a large number of holes and pockets can thus be programmed automatically in record time. All fits, threaded holes, and counter­sinks are detected and taken into account. Stored programming macros can then match proven process work­flows to the current geometry.


Advantages at a Glance

  • CAD for CAM

    Built-in CAD software (formerly hyperCAD®-S) for optimal component analysis and processing

  • Integrated solution for all machining operations

    Milling, drilling, and turning all with a single user interface

  • Optimized roughing and finishing strategies

    For efficient, tool- and machine-friendly machining, even when handling materials that are difficult to machine

  • High process reliability

    Thanks to perfect milling paths as well as reliable simulation and collision avoidance

  • Easy to program

    Intuitive and supported by automated functions

  • High degree of automation

    From feature and macro technology through to fully automated programming

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