Azimut Benetti S.p.A. | Avigliana (Piemont), Italy

As a world leading ship­builder, Azimut has selected hyperMILL® CAM soft­ware because of its simple operation, high number of available milling strategies and the system’s considerable flexibility with regard to different applications. This selection process has been under­pinned by the very good import function for the CAD data via IGES.

Azimut Yachts builds yachts with lengths of between 39 and 116 feet and has an open range with models between 43 and 103 feet. Construction with a 3D CAD system (Unigraphics), ever increasing quality re­qui­re­ments and cost pressures have been leading towards the employment of CNC machines for many years. To supply these machines with optimal NC programs, the company sought out the best possible CAM system. After extensive market analysis, they chose hyperMILL® from OPEN MIND.

“To supply these machines with optimal NC programs, the company sought out the best possible CAM system. After extensive market analysis, they chose hyperMILL® from German manufacturer, OPEN MIND.”

Amongst other things, hyperMILL® Expert was installed, the most comprehensive version of the CAM soft­ware, with 2.5D and 3D functions, as well as feature techno­logy. In addition to this, Azimut also uses multi-axis machining, the 5‑axis re­working cycle, 5‑axis profile finishing, 5‑axis contour-machining, 5‑axis ISO top milling and Z‑level finishing, to name just the most important. Overall, the introduction of the CAM system is being judged very positively: not only has the quality of the boats improved, but also the financial side in the form of shorter production times and quicker development. This is because this process chain also allows development models to be completed more quickly.

Customer Story

Azimut Benetti S.p.A.

Avigliana (Piemont), Italy

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