What information does OPEN MIND support need from me?

In order to find a solution as quickly as possible, OPEN MIND always needs the respective files along with a detailed description of the error to carry out an in-depth analysis of the issues. If possible, please simplify the file to reduce its size and to focus on the technical question.

Please follow this checklist:


Please send us the ShopViewer file:

  • Under File –> Save as… select the file type “SHOP Viewer Document” and save this *.hmc file under a new name.

hyperMILL® in another CAD platform

Please send in a CAD file which consists of all of the relevant hyperMILL® data.

  • Please save a copy of the Autodesk Inventor File [1] or of the Solidworks File [2] in a temporary folder.
  • Then please activate the model path in the hyperMILL® settings: Document -> Directories -> Path of model
  • Finally please calculate the job list again.

Now the important files and sub directories are all available in the temporary folder.
Before sending the dataset to OPEN MIND please reduce the file size of the temporary folder and its subdirectories.

  • [1] File format *.ipt
  • [2] File formats *.sldprt or *.sldasm

Please note it is required to transfer all CAD components of a assembly when it is the file format *.sldasm.

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