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English webinar: Insights, myths and wow moments from CAD/CAM automation

26 February 2025
08:00 - 09:00 AM CET OR
05:00 - 06:00 PM CET

Do you really know what CAD/CAM automation means?
In our webinar session, we take you behind the scenes: From unexpected processes and impressive projects to the biggest challenges and wow moments of an automation expert.

Exciting examples and a look at the latest tools – join us and be inspired!

Then register now for our free webinar


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En son kayıtlar


Insights, myths and wow moments from CAD/CAM automation

Do you really know what CAD/CAM automation means?
In our webinar session, we take you behind the scenes: From unexpected processes and impressive projects to the biggest challenges and wow moments of an automation expert.
Exciting examples and a look at the latest tools - join us and be inspired!


hyperMILL® Feature & Macro Technology

Getting started with Features and Macros.
This webinar introduces you to automated CAD/CAM tasks in hyperMILL®.
You will learn how to start by recognizing features like holes or pockets and setting up your first macros.

By doing so, you'll reduce manual work and improve efficiency. The session offers an overview with a focus on the practical use of hyperMILL®'s feature recognition and macro technology.


Release Highlights - hyperMILL 2024 – Part 2

Presented by OPEN MIND Headquarters

Would you like to program more effectively and get the best out of your machine?
Then take this opportunity to deepen your hyperMILL® know-how!
We have compiled exciting information about our new features and improvements to existing functions for you. Don't miss this live webinar with a preview of the upcoming hyperMILL® 2024 version.


Release Highlights - hyperMILL 2024 – Part 1

Would you like to program more effectively and get the best out of your machine?
Then take this opportunity to deepen your hyperMILL® know-how!
We have compiled exciting information about our new features and improvements to existing functions for you. Don't miss this live webinar with a preview of the upcoming hyperMILL® 2024 version.


hyperMILL VIRTUAL Machining – 2

Presented by OPEN MIND Headquarters

Complex machining operations and machines safely under control - Part 2
Do you want to keep even the most complex machining operations and machines safely under control?
Join our webinar to explore advanced strategies for managing multi-axis machining centers.

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hyperMILL VIRTUAL Machining – 1

Presented by OPEN MIND Headquarters

Your technological advantage in NC code generation and simulation - Part 1
Would you like to reliably generate, optimize, and simulate NC code?
Join our webinar to discover hyperMILL VIRTUAL Machining technology and learn how to efficiently create and control NC programs.

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Presented by OPEN MIND USA

Is your CAD/CAM system up to speed? In this webinar you will learn how you can speed up your manufacturing processes with hyperMILL CAD/CAM. Get ready for a transition from mold, die and, traditional Job Shops to Medical Device, Aerospace or other pioneering industries.


hyperMILL TURNING Solutions

May we introduce - hyperMILL TURNING Solutions.
In this live webinar, our experts will give you an insight into the world of turning with our powerful CAD/CAM solution.

Turning operations of all kinds are important pillars of today's manufacturing industry. From turning on single turret machines to machining on complex multitasking machines to mill turning on machining centers.

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Release News - hyperMILL® 2024

Would you like to program more effectively and get the best out of your machine?
Then take this opportunity to deepen your hyperMILL® know-how!


Start the New Year with New Technologies!

Cut costs, reduce operator times and improve efficiency.

Come join us to see the latest in CAD/CAM technology and high speed 5-axis milling.

hyperMILL and Roeders form a powerful combination in the machining of high value parts. hyperMILL's CAD/CAM software streamlines programming and optimizes toolpaths for efficient milling. Paired with Roeders' high-performance machining centers, this combination delivers speed, precision, and superior results in complex machining tasks, reducing production time and costs. 

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hyperMILL® at a glance

hyperMILL® is powerful and extremely versatile.
In these exciting 45 minutes, our experts will give you an overview of the entire hyperMILL® world. Would you like to learn more about the areas in which hyperMILL® can optimize your manufacturing processes?

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Femoral Knee Implants - a new manufacturing paradigm

The femoral component in a knee implant is very challenging to manufacture. The curved, condyle surfaces of the implant must meet very strict tolerances, and have a smooth, polished surface.

Using GF Machining Solutions' Mikron MILL S 600 U, along with special cutting tools from Seco and specialized CAM strategies developed in hyperMILL® by OPEN MIND, we were able to reduce machining time by over 30% and to improve the surface roughness such that the grinding process is eliminated. This webinar recording explores the keys to success.

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hyperMILL VIRTUAL Machining

Presented by OPEN MIND Headquarters

Safely simulate, verify and automatically optimize your machining process.

With hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining, you can simulate the real machining situation based on NC-Code and automatically optimize the process before the machine starts.
This highly efficient solution provides safe simulation, comprehensive analysis, and synchronization with the machine.

During our webinar recording you will learn more about the three modules, hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Center, Optimizer and Connected Machining.

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Optimized CAM solutions for Aero-engine components

Presented by OPEN MIND India

hyperMILL® is industry-proven CAM software when it comes to the machining of aero-engine components such as impellers, blisks, blades, rings, casings, housings, and guide vanes.
This webinar recording will share machining experiences of such components with complex geometries and high-strength materials like Titanium and Inconel. We will demonstrate how flexibility in the choice of machining strategies and tools leads to a higher material removal rate, along with desired tolerance and quality.
Witness VIRTUAL Machining technology for NC code generation, simulation, and optimization based on digital twin.

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High-End CAM meets High-End Industry

Presented by OPEN MIND Headquarters

hyperMILL® for Semiconductor Equipment – As the semiconductor industry continues to rapidly evolve, the demand for high-end CAM software has never been bigger. In this webinar we want to talk about this industry and discover how you can improve your manufacturing processes with hyperMILL®.
Learn about some unique features, including automated programming, simulation technology, high-performance strategies and of course 5-axis machining.

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Digital part alignment with hyperMILL® BEST FIT

Presented by OPEN MIND Headquarters

Smart manufacturing environment – Connectivity in a manufacturing environment has become increasingly important. Higher demands and requirements rise the need of more intelligent and productive processes. 
In addition to a strong tool path engine and user experience, a CAM solution is a crucial piece in the overall manufacturing environment. 
Advanced manufacturing technologies are developing and it´s important to keep up with latest technology and processes such as additive manufacturing. Many companies think the manufacturing process ends with writing the NC code, but the challenge of properly placing the part on the machine after 3D-printing remains. With complex materials and new manufacturing methods it becomes increasingly important to handle this challenge. 
This free webinar will show you how to realize the synergy of the virtual and the real world during .  

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Improved Machining of Automotive Mold & Die Parts with hyperMILL®

Presented by OPEN MIND India

This webinar will share machining experiences of automotive Mold and Die parts using hyperMILL® CAM software. We will explain how hyperMILL® helps in the manufacturing of Mold and Die parts for ramped up quality and productivity, with its unique machining strategies to achieve a reduced cost per part.

Key learnings from this webinar:

  • Comprehensive range of machining operations from simple to complex automotive components.
  • Noticeable reduction in programming and machining times.
  • High speed and high-performance milling.
  • Best surface finish of automotive light reflectors
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Trending: Toolpaths for Medical Device Manufacturing?

Presented by OPEN MIND Headquarters

The medical industry is complex and demanding in many ways. In this webinar we ask ourselves what opportunities and potential comes with the right CAM system.

  • How can you benefit from this as a medical device manufacturer or a subcontractor?
  • Do you want to get into the medical industry to expand your business?
  • What can medical manufacturers learn from other industries - and vice versa?

We will show you an excerpt of what hyperMILL® offers to improve your processes and reduce your costs per part.

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High-Performance Turning

Presented by OPEN MIND UK

hyperMILL® MAXX Machining will increase your productivity in one step.
In this webinar we will introduce you to the controls of High-Performance Turning and show you how you can achieve these spectacular results.

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Holiday Ornament Machining

Presented by OPEN MIND USA

In partnership with OPEN MIND Technologies, GROB will machine a Christmas tree ornament out of aluminum on our G150 horizontal spindle machine. Starting from solid round stock we will machine and tab off the entire part to complete the process in one single set up.

Expect to see an abundance of 5-axis simultaneous machining from high material removal to finishing. By combining OPEN MIND’s advanced blending techniques and collision avoidance controls, matched with the GROB machine’s unique concept we will achieve good surface quality in hard to reach areas.

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Virtual Machine reduces cycle time and improves safety

Presented by OPEN MIND UK

Unrivalled Consistency in CNC Manufacturing
Safely generate, optimize, and simulate NC code: hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining closes the gap between CAM system and real machine environment – providing an unprecedented level of process control and optimization. This is industry 4.0!

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hyperCAD®-S: CAD for CAM

Presented by OPEN MIND UK

The primary objective of hyperCAD®-S is to greatly accelerate CAD-oriented tasks for NC programmers.

hyperCAD®-S allows large amounts of data to be imported seamlessly from the most important CAD programs. The CAD software from OPEN MIND provides the CAM user with numerous interfaces for a high level of inter-operability. There are different modules in hyperCAD®-S to satisfy the varying needs of users.

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A closer look to hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining

Presented by OPEN MIND Asia Pacific

With hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining, we have realized our vision of perfectly combining the virtual and the real world: A new generation of post-processors and a simulation technology for future manufacturing. The highly efficient NC code-based simulation solution offers three modules: VIRTUAL Machining Center, VIRTUAL Machining Optimizer and CONNECTED Machining.
Join this webinar recording to step into the future and take your production to the next level!

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Efficient Machining of Die & Mould Component

Presented by OPEN MIND India

A Case Study: In collaboration with Mitsubishi Materials – MMC Hardmetal India

We performed a hands-on cutting activity jointly to showcase practical techniques for efficient machining of Die-mould component. Our experts will share their experiences, knowledge and lessons learnt to produce high quality component with advanced CAM software and cutting tools.
Actual cutting videos will demonstrate that in-order to achieve superior manufacturing results, these cutting-edge technologies must be used in combination.

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Efficient Finishing

Learning from the 5-axis milling experts
In this webinar we will show you how you can achieve time savings up to 90% by using high efficient technologies for your finishing processes!

For one hour, OPEN MIND, EMUGE FRANKEN and Hermle will present state-of the-art finishing solutions. See how you realize optimal surfaces in the shortest possible time with hyperMILL MAXX Machining performance CAM strategies in conjunction with circle segment cutters from EMUGE FRANKEN and high-precision machining centers from Hermle. Learn from the 5-axis pioneers and optimize your production today. We look forward to meeting you!

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Reliable and
Efficient Roughing

Learning from the 5-axis milling experts

For one hour, OPEN MIND, EMUGE FRANKEN and Hermle will present innovative high-performance roughing operations.

Experience the perfect interaction of high-performance tools from EMUGE FRANKEN, the highly dynamic machining centers from Hermle and the innovative CAM strategies from OPEN MIND. Roughing as fast as never before: The hyperMILL® MAXX Machining performance package offers you state-of-the-art CAM strategies for fast material removal with trochoidal toolpaths.

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hyperMILL® MAXX Machining and Pocket Milling

Presented by OPEN MIND UK

OPEN MIND developed a high-performance solution for roughing, finishing and drilling: the hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining performance package.

In this webinar recording, we will introduce you to the hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining finishing module - a highly efficient solution for semi-finishing and finishing of planes and free-form surfaces with various barrel cutters. The result is an immensely high time saving of up to 90% - and that with equivalent or significantly better surface quality.

Simon Docker, Sales Manager
Thomas Edwards, Application Engineer

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hyperMILL® BEST FIT – Intelligent part alignment at the push of a button

Presented by OPEN MIND UK

Component Alignment process is the real world (clamping) adapting to the virtual world (programming). This is a time-consuming process that often is repeated several times, and yet the result is often uncertain in the end.
This is a real problem for everyone involved, whether machine operators, department heads, or management. In in this webinar recording, we will show you how this process can be safely automated at the push of a button.

Ken Baldwin, Sales Director
Corey Jamieson, Application Engineer

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Inspiration through Innovation (ITI)


Exploring innovation and flexibility for femoral component manufacture with hyperMILL®: Flexibility is key as we innovate femoral component manufacture – especially while we experience a shift toward milling from grinding due to new material technology, additive manufacturing, and personalisation.

By leveraging AM technologies combined with milling processes, we reduce consumption, achieve more complex shapes, and print semi-porous structures and finishes that encourage osseointegration (bone-implant fusion). We invite you to experience the performance of hyperMILL® in this special demonstration.

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hyperMILL® MILL-TURN Machining: Revolutionary Turning Techniques made easy.

Presented by OPEN MIND UK

The most advanced 2.5D, 3D, 4- and 5-axis milling cycles in the market combined with turning, allows highly efficient operations with mill-turn centres. Move from programming via the control to release the benefits of trochoidal turning: In the 45-minute webinar, we will give you an insight into what our application engineers like most about hyperMILL® MILL-TURN and how these advanced techniques can benefit your business from reduced costs to higher productivity.

  • hyperMILL® MAXX Machining Turning
  • Simultaneous turning programmed with ease
  • rollFEED®

Domonic Prinsloo, Application Engineer

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Deep Cavity & Gun Drill Machining

Presented by OPEN MIND USA

This workshop presents a collaboration of GROB Systems, OPEN MIND Technologies and EMUGE for the demonstration of deep cavity and gun drilling applications.

During this event, GROB’s 400mm pallet, horizontal 5-axis machining center, the G350, will demonstrate how difficult deep cavity and gun drilling applications can be made easily with GROB’s unique machine kinematics, OPEN MIND’s state-of-the-art CAM technology, and Emuge’s Circle Segment cutters and FPC milling holders for High-Performance Finishing.

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IMTS spark - Hybrid Machining from a CAM Perspective

Presented by OPEN MIND USA

Sponsored by Okuma: This additive Demo presentations will focus on hyperMILL® as a complete CAD/CAM system and highlight additive/subtractive processes with Okuma Laser EX technology.

OPEN MIND will present how to easily overcome common challenges. The tools offered by the software – namely stock tracking, collision control, collision check, machine simulation with material build/removal – can support you in your daily tasks.

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hyperMILL® AUTOMATION Center Customer Solution

Presented by OPEN MIND Headquarters

Do you anticipate a programming volume that you cannot handle with your CAD/CAM system and without automated processes? Or do you need to increase the efficiency of your CAD/CAM programming in order to remain competitive in the future?

With turn-key automation solutions, OPEN MIND offers exactly the right tool to modernize programming processes and establish new, more profitable processes and technologies.
In this webinar, you will learn by means of a practical example how you too can implement a turnkey automation solution together with OPEN MIND.

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hyperMILL® AUTOMATION Center Advanced

Presented by OPEN MIND Headquarters

Are you ready for the next step? Then you've come to the right place! With the hyperMILL® AUTOMATION Center Advanced, you can take advantage of all the benefits of OPEN MIND's automation technology. It allows you to make your own CAD/CAM processes much more efficient.

Regardless of your portfolio and whether you are dealing with holes, pockets or 3D geometries, or whether you use 5-axis strategies – with hyperMILL® AUTOMATION Center Advanced you can automate all machining strategies available to you in hyperMILL®. To create a successful automation solution, it takes a savvy hyperMILL® user who knows their processes inside out.
In this webinar, you will learn everything you need to know to successfully automate your manufacturing.

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hyperMILL® AUTOMATION Center Basic

Presented by OPEN MIND Headquarters

Take the first step towards process automation! Have you ever wondered how you can optimize your machining workflow without sacrificing programming efficiency?

Then our webinar is the right place for you! We will show you how you can automate your manufacturing process through standardization, even with the basic version of hyperMILL® AUTOMATION Center, at no additional cost. Standardization in the CAD/CAM environment means that your proven and already optimized manufacturing strategies can be reused throughout the company. This ensures that all CAD/CAM programmers achieve a consistently good result, there are no unnecessary sources of error.
In this webinar, you will learn how to standardize and automate simple processes so that they can be used for more complex processes in the future.

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Aerospace Component Machining Challenges

Presented by OPEN MIND UK

Whether rotating or structural components, there are always problems associated with the machining of Aerospace parts. This 45 minute webinar will highlight some of these typical problems and how they can be overcome, using new and advanced CAM technologies.

Simon Docker, Sales Manager
Joshua Harper, Application Engineer

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